My studio is completely digital at the moment, but my hope is to start shooting portrait sessions and engagement sessions on film. I have a lot to learn before I start doing this, but I thought my first attempt using film came out pretty great! I squealed like a little girl when I got my prints back from the lab. The pictures below are straight "out of camera" as they say. There is absolutely no photoshop or any post processing work on them. I love keeping my digital files clean and simple with only minimal editing because I like the photos to truly represent what actually was happening that day and shooting with film makes the moment seem even more beautiful! Anyways here is Josh's portrait session that we did with a super old canon film camera that my mom bought when I was about 10. The lens I uses was the 50 1.2 :) Let me know what you think! :D xoxo, Amanda

Amanda!!! this is janelle-- i luvvvv these pictures!! and i luv that they are film!!! great job! u hav a great eye :)
Addicted yet? :D I love film, also. It's got such an amazing, warm and soft quality to it.
wow what great pictures!! I would probably never have been able to tell the difference if you hadn't said they weren't digital. :)
i think they look awesome! xoxo erica
I think they look GREAT! I am dying to play with film too, but bah no time to really mess with it for arts sake right now.
These look great!!! I too love the warmth and tone of film. Maybe one day i'll pick up my dad's old camera again! :)
Great job!!
I think everyone is going to go back to film at one point in their career! I love the vibrancy and the casual cool vibe of this sesh! O and I love Tanja too!
i'm so impressed! i've been dying to play with film for the last few months, but i'm hiding behind the excuse that i don't have a film camera. :)
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