This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for my family. My Husband is the most amazing thing in my world - He takes such great care of me and ChloƩ, he is so patient and kind, and he never stops loving me :) I am also so very thankful to have a healthy growing little baby girl who will be gracing us with her presence sooner than later! I am so thankful my little doggies that give me lots of kisses and make me feel happy :) I am thankful for my business and how much it has grown + for God's blessings and for continuing to keep my family safe and happy. I don't think there is anything more important than family and having I am so grateful to be blessed with such a wonderful one.
I hope that each of you have a happy thanksgiving and enjoy your time off to reflect and spend time with those people who mean the most to you. :) Love you always! xoxox
Here is photo of ChloƩ from our ultrasound on Monday - she is a thinker!

Aww, so cute! (Pretty cool too).
This makes my ovaries hurt. My Lord I've got such baby fever. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
So exciting!
Hey girl! I haven't stopped by in quite some time!!!
Holy smokes, you are having a baby... it is insane what they can do with ultrasounds these days... she is so pretty!
congratulations! you are going to be such a great mom!
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