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Friday, September 5, 2008

A perfect day for a Luau ...

The first week Josh and I moved to Destin, I was asked to shoot this amazing Luau for our new church down here !! It was so much fun. The church wanted to have a head-shot for each woman and their gift to them was a 5x7 for each lady from Amandasuanne.com. How awesome is that?

There were about 250 woman at the event, and yep I did 250 head-shots while shooting all the fun things going on! Talk about a long day. It was seriously worth it though, I met tons of amazing woman and found my self smiling a lot because there were so many cool moments....

Here is a little peek at some of the head-shots I took!

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This is the beautiful house where the Luau was held! Is this not amazing??
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A prayer to start off the evening
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The musical guest for the night Chuck Lawson
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Hula Hoop time!!
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Someone signed this girl up for the Hula contest... but it wasn't her ...lol
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I love this painting that they had made just for the Luau!
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and of course what would a Luau be without a Limbo contest?
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After the sun went down, these two ladies performed a beautiful Hawaiian dance to the song "Shout to the Lord" it was so beautiful and really spoke to me.
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Thanks for an awesome night ladies!


Amanda Suanne


Anonymous said...

Shout to the Lord is one of my favorites. I LOVED when the American Idol finalists performed it during Idol Gives Back..
These pictures are AMAZING!!

Charlotte Wedding Photographer - The Schultzes said...

Dang girl! 250 headshots?! :)))

Emerge Blog said...

Man the pics of the tiki torches are just beyond words amazing. Love you

Anonymous said...

Amanda these are wonderful! Your work is amazing!

Amanda Suanne said...

Kayla : Thank girl - and I know I get chills every-time I hear that song!

Cheyenne: It was so much fun though! As the ladies were coming in I grabbed there head-shots it was easy as pie!

Josh: HA ha you an tiki torches! Thanks babe :D

ihearpix: Thanks so much for the comment!!

Ron Lynn and Jenny said...

Amanda...I loved the tiki torch idea....I hope after all these weddings and events your getting some great ideas for possible maybe one day :) ....like, wouldn't the tiki torch idea be great for a wedding on the beach :) ok ok love love love you and I can't wait to see you so we can hang out...I would love some help on getting better with my shoots too!
I'm am so so proud of you and can't wait to spend time with you
your sis!


love everthing about this one!!! your color, your details !!! love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the colors!!! Great shots Amanda! I can not WAIT to see how the Lord blesses you with your business and life in beautiful Destin.

Amanda Suanne said...

Jenny: I can't wait till your wedding day...wink wink!

D+k: Thank you so much! It was super fun

Shara: Thanks girl! You are so sweet and yea for new friends and I pray the Lord continues to bless your socks off!

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