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Monday, February 9, 2009

South for the Winter + This Day Will Tell

Hello Friends! Friday Night, Josh, our buddy Matt and I headed to Panama City to watch our good friends in South For the Winter play at The Bridge. We had a great time and they asked me to take a couple of picture of them preforming and I will be doing some promo shots for them in the next few weeks. This first shot I took after they preformed but It is my favorite! This is Josh and some random dude running by.

This Day Will Tell

After their show, Silver asked me to take some picture of his band playing. They were amazing and I really enjoyed the energy that they had. Looking forward to hearing them again. :)

This first picture is Silver, check out his face in the light this was sort of an accident but ended up looking pretty stinking cool.


Ryel j said...

Very tight! I like the lighting :)

Studio222 Photography said...

Fun stuff! Great energy! I love the one image of the shirtless guy screaming. lol

Shauna said...

Those are really cool Amanda, you can feel there energy straight threw the screen ;) What kind of music do they perform?

Anonymous said...

OMGosh these are amazing! I love Taylor and Sam they are both so sweet!

Kricia Morris Photography said...

Great shots! You're a BRAVE soul for taking your camera to a rock show! :)

Amanda Suanne said...

Ryel J : Thanks, it was actually pitch black in the room except when the lights would flash on and off, so it was a challenge, but fun!

Studio 222: Yea that one was my favorite, LOL

Shauna: Thanks!! They had LOTS of engery, he he and the music is hardcore. So lots of screamy stuff :)

BA: Thanks precious! They are both super sweet, love the to death!

Kricia Morris: Yes I was really freaked the who time that someone would bump in to me and knock my camera out of my hands, but they ended up behind really cool and stayed their distance away from me :)

Thanks everyone!!


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