For Christmas, Josh and I went to visit my family in Jacksonville. The room that we stayed in has a big book shelf full of books and often times I go up to that room just to search through her new additions of books and pick out ones that I want to take home and read. I know if momma reads them, and they make it to that particluar book shelf, they have something in them that is rich and powerful.
The day after Christmas, my fingers lightly grazed the spines of many books, searching for the one that I could get lost in...when there it was. Little did I know, this book called Redeeming Love, would completely change and rock my world forever. I read the whole thing in one day. I could not put it down. It captivated me and made me understand truly how deep and how wide God's love is for us. I encourage you to pick up this book and read it. My darling sister who doesn't like to read much, loved it and could not put it down either. I know that if you trust my recommendation you will feel, captivated, encouraged, and lucky. Once you read this book, I know a bunch of you will send me a box of cookies cause you loved it that much! :) *wink*

My prayer for you today (yes I pray for my blog readers!!) is found in Psalm 20, " May God give you the desire of your heart & make all your plans succeed."
On a totally different note, I wanted to share a couple of photos from a commercial shoot that I did for a company called EMR. EMR "is a leading provider of professional and technical services in the fields of engineering, construction and the environment." I was asked to take a few pictures for a brochure they made for their company, and although it is far cry from my normal wedding work, I had a fun time running around one of their construction sites to shoot some of their employees.

I LOVE that book....LOVE.
I love that my favorite photographers are Christians! I'll have to pick up that book.
I JUST read that book last month, and couldn't get enough of it either. Love, love, love it!!! PS. You're cute. :)
This is an amazing book, i LOVE francine rivers, my fav author! You should read the Atonement Child, another of hers and its amazing too!
I absolutely LOVE Francine Rivers!! I've read all her books and wish she would keep pumping more out! I think I've read Redeeming Love at least 5 times...and it never gets old!
Just read that book again for the 4th time last week!! So good! It truly does speak to God's forgiveness and love to us.
I am so glad that the book touched all of you like it did me. I have only read it once, but maybe its time I pull it out again! :)
oh my goodness!!! I LOVE that book! I read it a long time ago, and then, last year, I read it again, only this time...I read it all in one night!! haha...
lots of love!
That is one of my all time favorite books! I am going to have to read it again soon! I just got done reading The Shack! That book is very powerful and I would recommend it to anyone! Seriously read it!
I've been in search for a new book to read. Thanks for the tip! :)
These are really well done! Excellent work.
LOVE that book!! I got it for my birthday this year and LOVE it. I was caught up reading popular romance novels, letting my heart get discontent with where God has me right now (single and waiting) when I got this breath of fresh air. This book changed the way I think of love. Two words:
Read it.
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