For some reason St. Patty's Day is a holiday that make's me so happy! Maybe it's all the green people wear, it is certainly not the pinching! If fact I hate to be pinched! I just find I wake up smiling and giggling on St. Patrick's day! It's just one of the holidays I love! If you follow me on
twitter you know that last night I decided that today on March 17th, I would start my workout routine! I have said it so many times before, but I am feeling the Irish luck today and feel like I can keep it up! My sister and I are even going to run on the beach later on today. Hopefully some of y'all can keep me accountable and check up on me asking me how my working out is going! I will keep you posted but today I feel lucky !! I can do it!! Anyways I hope you all have fun wrapped up in your green clothing, singing your irish songs, loving every minute of Saint Patrick's Day!!
And because what is a post without a picture!?!? Here is a splash of green for you! :)

You go girl! You can do it. :)
I finally purchased a gym membership for myself and so far, I'm loving every minute of it!! Well, I dont love the working out part, I love how I feel about myself afterwards. Good luck!!! Maybe you'll get addicted to that "runners high" I hear so much about - I have yet to experience that one :0)
Thanks coach Jamie!!
Olimb: I need to get a gym membership! Thats on top of my to get list! :) I prefer sweating indoors, he he :D
I just wanted to say... What a perfectly elegant photo! I love it! :)
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